Sometimes the slings and arrows of life can wear us down. The world can end up feeling overwhelming and at times we can feel immense sadness and misery. Some years ago we may have spoken about the black dog – that awful melancholy that can follow us around – more so now, we are increasingly talking about feeling low, feeling depressed, or experiencing depression.
You may be feeling like you know what it is that is making you feel so depressed, or it may not be obvious to you at all. It can feel very difficult to reach out to others or to shake the feeling of being at your absolute worst. Though it may be difficult to engage with others and with the wider world, you are not alone.
Here at Psychology Sussex we can offer compassionate and non-judgemental approaches and all of our practitioners have sat with many individuals experiencing the feeling you may currently be feeling and helped them work through these difficulties towards retaining a sense of wellbeing. Some of these difficulties you yourself may be experiencing, and they include:
- Feeling low in mood.
- Having low self-confidence.
- Feeling ashamed.
- Not being able to sleep or sleeping much more than you used to.
- Losing your appetite or eating more than you used to.
- Losing your sex drive.
- Feeling tired.
- Feeling like there’s no hope.
- Feeling helpless.
- Feeling unable to enjoy anything or take any pleasure in your activities.
As well as causing physical aches and pains, depression can also have other physical consequences which affect our heart, immune system, weight, and appetite.
Many people with these kinds of experiences report that one of the things causing them the greatest sadness are the feelings themselves - feeling depressed about depression, so to speak. Sometime these experiences can feel like they are spiralling out of control or may become so overwhelming that we feel compelled to self-harm. On occasions these negative thoughts and feelings – which can be experienced as intrusive and unwelcome – can lead to thoughts of suicide.
However, there is a way out.
At Psychology Sussex our aim is to work alongside to get to the bottom of any unpleasant or distressing feelings you are having. Though this may feel at times like an impossible task – a feeling that may be familiar if you have felt depressed for some time – we endeavour to empower you to make positive changes in your mood, and ultimately to give you your life back.
Do not hesitate to contact now to speak to one of our team about how it is Psychology Sussex may be able to help you.