Romantic relationships require commitment and effort and can sometimes be tricky to navigate. As a couple, it may be that you are finding yourself increasingly arguing or struggling to resolve conflicts. You may be trying to deal with the fall out of an affair or some kind of betrayal that can lead to difficulties with trust, and feelings of insecurity, worthlessness or shame. It may feel like you are no longer able to talk to your partner or that you are struggling to remember any happy times in your relationship. When one or both partners is stressed, this can also affect our ability to feel intimate with a partner which can increase feelings of isolation in a relationship. The slings and arrows of life can also take their toll on relationships – whether one or both partners has experienced illness, is going through financial problems, or may be struggling with the responsibilities of raising children.
If you have already made a decision to separate, please follow this link to separation and divorce to read further on the services we provide which may be of interest to you. Alternatively, for information on our services for families please follow the following link to Children’s Services.
If any of these difficulties or other problems in your relationship sound familiar it may be that talking with a caring, compassionate and trained practitioner can help you navigate these difficulties and, working alongside you, can navigate a resolution to the problems you are experiencing and the associated negative feelings that come with these struggles. You are welcome to attend on your own or with your partner and we are used to offering one - off sessions for advice on a particular problem, short-term work to try and resolve some of the difficulties, or more longer-term relationship support as needed.
You may have already separated from your partner but are struggling to deal with the consequent feelings. The ending of any significant relationship can be hard to adjust to and whether you are struggling to move on or cope with a recent separation we are here to help. We encourage you to Contact the team at Psychology Sussex so we can begin the process of helping you with whatever it is you are currently going through.